The series follows Yoichi Isagi, an ordinary high schooler who decides to take on the Blue Lock program’s challenge. The program’s goal is to find the world’s greatest egoist striker to lead Japan’s national soccer team to World Cup victory. The road to Yoichi’s success is not easy, as Japan’s best forward youth players are also competing to achieve the same goal. To be the World’s Greatest Striker, a player needs to be the World’s Greatest Egoist as well. In Blue Lock, the spirit of teamwork is useless as the program will boost their pride and ego as strikers instead.

How Many Episodes Will Blue Lock Have?

Blue Lock will have a total of 24 episodes that will run for two consecutive seasons, making it a two-cour anime. For context, a cour in anime is essentially one anime season that usually has 24 to 26 episodes. In the case of Blue Lock, the show will last for two-cours or two anime seasons. While the first episode of Blue Lock premiered in the fall anime season, the anime’s final episode will air in the 2023 winter anime season, assuming that there will be no delay in broadcast. Furthermore, a two-cour anime is different from a split-cour show. To not confuse these two anime terminologies, Spy x Family is one example of a split-cour anime show. The first part of Spy x Family premiered in the spring, while the second part premiered in the fall, leaving the summer season’s anime lineup. Nonetheless, Blue Lock will be around for quite some time for the viewers to enjoy.

What to Expect in Blue Lock

Many people expect that Blue Lock will follow in the footsteps of Haikyuu!!, a hugely popular sports anime about volleyball with a massive cult following. Blue Lock is a completely different show than Haikyuu!! not only because it isn’t about volleyball, but also because it has a serious and dark tone to it. In fact, Blue Lock is more like Kuroko’s Basketball, minus the players’ extraordinary abilities, such as Kuroko’s Vanishing Drive and Kiseki no Sedai’s Zone. In that regard, Blue Lock is a soccer-themed sports anime that stands out from the others. Blue Lock, in particular, does not encourage teamwork, which is almost always present in other sports anime. Instead, the anime takes a different approach, favoring egoistic and narcissistic players, which is a novel and bold move. Hence, Blue Lock is a sports anime unlike any other. The more episodes get released, the more viewers will realize how unique and creative Blue Lock’s premise is.

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