It is important to note that cursed energy comes from negative emotions. Since human beings are living things, they have cursed energy too but normal people cannot control it. When a normal person loses their cursed energy, it manifests in the form of curses. Curses are spiritual beings that want to harm humans. They look like gruesome monsters that normal people cannot see or touch. The only ones who can perceive cursed spirits are Jujutsu sorcerers. Each cursed spirit has a unique shape and size. They can possess an item or an inanimate object. Lastly, cursed spirits have grades that determine their level of cursed energy. RELATED: Action-Filled Anime Like Jujutsu Kaisen

What Are the Cursed Spirit Grades in Jujutsu Kaisen?

Like Jujutsu sorcerers, cursed spirits are ranked as well, but the classifications are not entirely exact. Each sorcerer can take down a curse that has the same level as them or lower. Here are the different cursed spirit grades in order of highest to lowest: Usually, curses that are under Grade 4 can easily be beaten by inexperienced sorcerers. Grade 3 level curses can be beaten by average sorcerers like students, while those considered Grade 2 are above-average curses that need to be exorcised by Grade 2 sorcerers. Semi-Grade 1 cursed spirits are considered a danger on special occasions. These curses are powerful and have the ability to communicate. The only way to extract these curses is by using Suguru’s Cursed Manipulation as Semi-Grade 1 curses can use cursed techniques. So far, there are only 16 confirmed Special Grade cursed spirits. These are usually feared by sorcerers and are regarded as Imaginary Vengeful Spirits. One such example of a Special Grade cursed spirit is Sukuna, the King of Curses. After Sukuna was reincarnated and had Yuji as his vessel, several unregistered Special Grade spirits started to appear. “Unregistered” means there are no records of them yet. Some examples are the cursed spirits Mahito, Jogo, and Hanami. READ MORE: Jujutsu Kaisen: Every Main Character’s Age and Birthday

What Are the Cursed Spirit Classifications?

Since there are various cursed spirit grades, they also have different classifications. The three main cursed spirit classifications are: vengeful cursed spirit, imaginary vengeful cursed spirit, and disease cursed spirit.

Vengeful Cursed Spirits - These are cursed spirits that form after a human becomes cursed when they die. This happens because their spirit was corrupted, turning them into a vengeful spirit.Imaginary Vengeful Cursed Spirits - These cursed spirits are created from cumulative fear. This usually happens when a group of people shares the same negative energy, creating one main cursed spirit.

Disease Cursed Spirits - These cursed spirits manifest once a certain person or a group of people curse a plague or a disease, as these evoke strong negative emotions. The cursed spirits can then use techniques to spread the sickness to other people.

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