Paprika is a novel written by Yasutaka Tsutsui in 1993 which first appeared in the Marie Claire magazine and followed by a manga adaptation by Reiji Hagiwara in 1995 which was published in 2005. Paprika got an animated film in 2006 and now, it’ll be back for a live-action series in Hollywood.

Yan worked on Birds of Prey as the director of the Harley Quinn-led movie. Yan, who recently got her very first Emmy nomination for Outstanding Directing for Succession episode “The Disruption”, will be working on Paprika along with Ash Sarohia, her producing partner under Rewild banner, Masi Oka, and Jason F. Brown of Hivemind.

Paprika is a techno-thriller novel which follows a new form of psychotherapy in a distant future where dream monitoring and intervention would be used to treat mental disorders.

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Atsuko, the prominent scientist of the project, has her alter-ego, Paprika, to intervene with the dreams of the mentally ill and treat them from therein. However, the new device called DC Mini, got stolen and they search for it as the culprit invades the minds of others.

Paprika got an animated film in 2006, forming part of the official selection of the New York Film Festival of the same year, and it also competed at the 63rd Venice International Film Festival among others.

There is no release date yet for the live-action series of Paprika.

Paprika Novel Secures Birds of Prey Director in Hollywood Live Action Series - 45