About Monogatari

“Monogatari” means “story” in Japanese, so whatever word comes before normally indicates what the story is about. Based on a light novel series written by Nisio Isin and illustrated by Vofan, Monogatari is the story of Koyomi Araragi, a high school student who became a vampire for a brief period but managed to regain his humanity. When he introduces a classmate who also suffers from a supernatural affliction to the man that helped him overcome his vampirism, Koyomi doesn’t know what he’s starting. Soon, he comes to help many other girls battle the paranormal, from ghosts to deities and all sorts of spirits. In many cases, the fantastic is used to explore the afflicted characters’ emotional and mental states, making for a very interesting conflict.

The Ultimate Monogatari Watch Order

When an anime is as massive as Monogatari, you have two options; either watch in the order of release to have the same experience original fans did, or seek another way that best enhances the viewing experience. If you want to try the first way, here’s the ultimate watch order for Monogatari: First Season: This adapts the first novel in the series, known as Bakemonogatari: stories about monsters.

Bakemonogatari (2009)Nisemonogatari (2012)Nekomonogatari Black (2012)

Second Season: In the second season, Tsubasa Hanekawa and Hitagi Senjogahara face supernatural difficulties, but Araragi isn’t there to help, as he’s going missing, urging them not to attempt contact. Final Season If you want to stick to the series’ timeline, the Kizumonogatari films should be watched right after Bakemonogatari. Koyomimonogatari should then go before Owarimonogatari.

The Ultimate Monogatari Watch Order 2022  Every Series   Movie - 27